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CoreL-sit Tutorial

L-sit Tutorial

1.Begin by developing core compression: Lift your legs off the ground while keeping them straight, focusing on engaging your core muscles to bring your legs closer to your chest. This exercise helps strengthen your core and prepares you for the L-sit.

So what is FitStatic? It’s a set of adjustable bar and straps that you can use to perform a variety of bodyweight exercises that target your core muscles. The bar is made of sturdy PVC and come with foam grips to ensure a comfortable and secure grip during your workout. They’re also easy to assemble and can be stored away when not in use.

2.Progress to lifting into the L-sit position: Sit on the ground with your hands positioned beside your hips, fingers pointing forward. Apply pressure through your hands and lift your hips off the ground, aiming to keep your legs straight and parallel to the ground. Initially, maintaining the L-sit position might be challenging. Work on improving your hold time gradually while ensuring proper form.

3.Build momentum for the L-sit: Practice lifting into the L-sit position from a back-and-forth motion without allowing your feet to touch the ground. Start in a seated position on the ground, then engage your core and arm strength to lift your hips off the ground and transition into the L-sit. Lower your hips back down without touching the ground and repeat the movement. This back-and-forth motion helps generate momentum to make it easier to lift into the L-sit.

4.Enhance the exercise by alternating legs: During the L-sit, perform alternative tuck holds by bending one knee and bringing it towards your chest while keeping the other leg straight. Hold this position for a few seconds, then switch legs. Alternating between the legs helps improve strength and control in each leg individually, aiding your progress towards achieving a full L-sit.

Utilize the adjustable FitStatic strap for varied challenge levels: The FitStatic strap can be adjusted on both ends to modify the difficulty of the exercises. Loosen the strap to decrease assistance and make the L-sit progressions more challenging. Conversely, tighten the strap to provide additional support and make the exercises easier. This adjustability allows for customization based on your strength and skill level, facilitating more challenging drills.

Remember to focus on maintaining proper form throughout the progressions. Consistent practice, along with the use of the FitStatic, will help you build core strength, improve your L-sit technique, and progress towards more advanced variations.

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More tutorials and tips on how to use FitStatic coming soon…

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